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Fall of Khmer Empire




Falls of Empires

Many empires in the past has fallen due to problems. Here are some examples...

Romans Empire

Ruled by emperors, they were the biggest and well-known empire in the world. They had excellent military and politic system. They  contributed to the development of law, war, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion and language in the Western world. But they fell of power after Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome.

The Qing Dynasty AKA The Ming Dynasty

The Qing or Ming dynasty ruled 1664 to 1912. They were the last ruling dynasty of China before the country became a Republic, stopping hundreds of years of imperial rule. In the 18th century, The Ming Dynasty grews it land which covered modern China, Mongolia, and even parts of Siberia. The Qing Dynasty was finally overthrown following the Xinhai Revolution. The emperor committed suicide when the city fell, marking the official end of the dynasty. Then the Qing Dynasty became the  Shun dynasty. 

Why Khmer Empire fell?

There are many reason why khmer empire fell, but reserch shows different reasons and why.

  1. Environment: During season changes, weather could have gone worst, distorying crops and buildings making it unstable to live.

  2. Crimes: People of the Khmer Empire could have done crimes to feed thier family or make a living out of it. The crimes could have gotten worser making Khmer Empire corrupted.

  3. Drought: The Khmer Empire was located in Cambodia making the land very hot and dry. They needed water to survie. They had an underground water sources, rivers streams and lakes. But a drought could have happen. Having no water to water the crops or feed the live stocks, they all died.

  4. Disease: A new disease from overseas or form inland could have infected the khmer empire causing everyone to died or be ill.

  5. Soil sterilisation: Angkor's growing population created increasing demand for land. This led to widespread deforestation, which in turn soil in erosion. The land became sterile, forcing the angkorians to abandoned their homeland.

  6. Invasion: During Khmer Empire's rule, they were threatened by the Mongol Empire who wants to vanquish the Khmer. Another was the Thai. A Thai kingdom, known as Sukhothai, attacked Khmer multiple times. The Ayutthaya, another Thai kingdom, conquers and takes control of the Sukhothai and drive the Khmer out of Angkor, the capital. The Khmer Empire has fallen.

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